Crispy Pata

Crispy Pata is a Filipino dish; it is deep fried pork leg and usually serve with chili garlic vinegar dip.
Special Occasion like birthdays or holidays Crispy Pata is always present in the table. This Filipino dish is a blockbuster in the party and best serve with beer too. Restaurant and local bars in the Philippones serve this as an appetizer or main dish.


1 whole pork leg
2 med size onions, cut into halves
4-6 cloves garlic, chopped
2 stalks lemongrass
1 liter cooking oil
2 tbsp soy sauce
3-4 tbsp flour
salt and pepper to taste
6 cups water

1) season with salt and pepper; bring pork leg to boil
2) when it boils add onions and lemongrass
3) cook for 1-2 hours or until done
4) let it rest for 10 minutes
5) rub the pork leg with soy sauce, pepper and garlic
6) prick pork leg with fork
7) optional: liquid seasoning
8) place inside the freezer for 5 hours
9) dredge with flour; heat oil
10)deep fry pork leg until done
11)serve with chili garlic vinegar dip


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